Let's start at the beginning

Coffee Cup on Table

You have diabetes. Now what?


You are not alone. In 2017, the International Diabetes Federation, estimated that worldwide, 1 in 11 adults had some type of diabetes, and that 1 in 2 was not yet diagnosed.1 A diabetes diagnosis is an important first step in getting your disease under control.

Learning that you have diabetes can come as a shock and be overwhelming. We are here to help you. You’ll find information about diabetes, such as the different types, signs and symptoms, and the importance of managing the condition, including monitoring blood glucose and taking medicines as prescribed. We’ll explain the basics of eating healthy, being physically active and other ways to take care of yourself to help reduce the risks of diabetes complications. In short, we’ll be here for you through your journey with diabetes, step by step.

Yes, your life changes with diabetes, but when you successfully manage it, you can improve your health in the short-term and lower your chances of long-term health risks — you can live a longer and healthier life with diabetes.

Don’t expect perfection. It’s not a race or competition. Just commit yourself to doing your personal best. Tell yourself that you’re worth it and find your motivation to help keep you on track.



International Diabetes Federation. (IDF) IDF News World Diabetes Day 2017. Brussels, Belgium. Last accessed online September 9, 2019

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